A megnyitót követően a szokott módon Claude Bernard emlékelőadás követte, a hagyományosan magas színvonalat idén Professzor H.-U. Haring (Germany) tartotta meg.

Az előadás címe: Understanding phenotypes of prediabetes: essential to influencing progression to type 2 diabetes
A Kongresszuson 14 magyar szerző illetve társszerző munkásságát hallgathatják a résztvevők.
http://www.easdvirtualmeeting.org/ElőadásokA. Kun, J. Tornoczky, Z. Sudar, Z. Kerenyi, A.G. Tabak (Hungary, UK):
Pregnancy outcomes of women with untreated GDM (according to the WHO 2013 diagnostic criteria)
Thursday, 17 September 10:15–11:45 Hellerström Hall
G. Tamás (Hungary):
Identified sources and effects of insulin in the cerebral cortex
Friday, 18 September 9:00–10:00 Jacobsohn Hall
PoszterekL.J. Barkai, E. Sipter, D. Csuka, Z. Nebenfuhrer, Z. Prohaszka, I. Karadi, N. Hosszufalusi (Hungary):
Characterisation of the complement system among hospitalised type 2 diabetic patients with community acquired bacterial infections
Poster Event A, Tuesday, 12:30–13:30 – PS 055 The inflammatory language of diabetes
G. Firneisz, K. Kiss, K. Baghy, S. Spisak, S. Szanyi, Z. Tulassay, A. Zalatnai, J.-M. Löhr, R. Jesenofsky, I. Kovalszky (Hungary, USA, Sweden, Germany):
Chronic hyperglycaemia enhances the malignant molecular communication between the human pancreatic stellate and cancer cells
Poster Event C, Wednesday, 12:30–13:30 – PS 057 The cancer connection
M. Káplár, B. Cogoi, J. Kulcsár, R. Esze, Z. Karányi, L. Oláh, K. Szabó, R.K. Czuriga-Kovács, T. Magyar, H.P. Bhattoa, J. Hársfalvi, G. Paragh (Hungary):
The effect of haptoglobin polymorphism and PPAR-γ agonists on carotid artery intima-media thickness in type 2 diabetic patients: seven years follow-up Poster Event C, Wednesday, 12:30–13:30 – PS 009 Diet and drug interventions in type 2 diabetes
A.E. Körei, Z. Putz, I. Istenes, M. Kempler, O. Vági, R. Nagy, K. Keresztes, V. Spallone, P. Kempler (Hungary, Italy):
Why not to use the handgrip test in the assessment of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy?
Poster Event F, Thursday, 14:15–15:15 – PS 102 Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy
C. Lengyel, A. Orosz, S. Nyiraty, N. Németh, Z. Putz, R. Takács, A. Nemes, T.T. Várkonyi, I. Baczkó,G. Ábrahám, P. Kempler, J.G. Papp, A. Varró (Hungary):
Short-term beat-to-beat QT-interval variability in patients with impaired glucose tolerance
Poster Event F, Thursday, 14:15–15:15 – PS 102 Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy
A. Lessmark, R.B. Prasad, P. Almgren, G. Kovacs, M. Vitai, T. Tuomi, L. Koranyi, O. Melander, L. Groop (Sweden, Hungary, Finland):
SNPS in FGF5 and ZNF652 show parent-of-origin specific effects on blood pressure in families from the Botnia study
Poster Event C, Wednesday, 12:30–13:30 – PS 003 Genetics of metabolism
A. Lukács, V. Bánóczki, A. Nagy, K. Mayer, L. Barkai (Hungary):
Coping skills and quality of life of adolescents with type 1 diabetes
Poster Event D, Wednesday, 13:45–14:45 – PS 088 Psychological aspects of diabetes
Z. Putz, N. Nemeth, I. Istenes, O. Vagi, A. Korei, T. Martos, S. Kempler, R. Gandhi, S. Tesfaye, G. Jermendy, A. Tabak, P. Kempler (Hungary, UK):
Is IGT-associated sensory neuropathy driven only by glycaemia?
Poster Event C, Wednesday, 12:30–13:30 – PS 099 Diabetic neuropathy: emerging concepts
K. Rosta, Z. Al-Aissa, O. Hadarits, J. Harreiter, A. Zoka, D. Bancher-Todesca, L. Nemeth, J. Rigo, A. Kautzky-Willer, G. Firneisz (Austria, Hungary):
Testing for genetic associations in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM): preliminary results from the EFSD New Horizons study
Poster Event A, Tuesday, 12:30–13:30 – PS 097 Pathophysiology of gestational diabetes
G. Simonyi, G. Csitári, R. Gasparics, R. Kollár, Á. Hegedűs, Z. Pál, K. Gencsiova, P. Kempler (Hungary):
Silent hypoglycaemic episodes among well controlled type 2 diabetic patients treated with sulfonylureas
Poster Event F, Thursday, 14:15–15:15 – PS 090 Hypoglycaemia: recognition and avoidance
A.G. Tabák, M. Kivimäki, T.N. Akbaraly, E.J. Brunner, D.R. Witte, A. Hulman, D. Vistisen, K. Faerch, G.D. Batty, M.J. Shipley (Hungary, UK, France, Denmark):
Incremental value of a past fasting glucose for the prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The Whitehall II study
Poster Event B, Tuesday, 13:45–14:45 – PS 014 Risk marker of type 2 diabetes
T.T. Várkonyi, S. Nyiraty, K. Fehértemplomi, R. Takács, A. Orosz, F. Tóth, L. Rovó, C. Lengyel, J. Kiss, P. Kempler, G. Ábrahám (Hungary):
Parasympathetic autonomic dysfunction rather than central afferent impairment is the early sign of neuropathy in recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes
Poster Event F, Thursday, 14:15–15:15 – PS 102 Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy